Membership of a cycling club is all about the enjoyment of being on your bike with like minded individuals. Unless of course you’re doing a time trial, then you’re on your own until the coffee and cake at the end.
But you don’t need to take our word for it. You can ride with us as a non-member for up to three times before joining.
And on top of the new friends you’ll make, the new roads you’ll discover and new Strava segments you’ll smash out the park, there’s discounts on entry to the club’s Evening Time Trial Series and at Yellow Jersey Cycles in Billericay to have.
By the end of the year, you’ll be quids in.
Joining or renewing membership can be done by one of the the following options
- Via the British Cycling website
- Email membership@essexroads.com and pay by bank transfer to club’s bank account:
- Reference: your name
- Sort code: 20-34-69,
- Account Number: 33611892.
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December, irrespective of joining date.
The club recommends that members join either British Cycling or Cycling UK as membership of these organisation provides 3rd party liability cover.
See links below for more details: