Club Rules

  1. That this Club be called the Essex Roads Cycling Club.

  2. The aim of the Club shall be ‘to encourage people of all abilities and levels to participate in all aspects of the sport’.

  3. The Club shall normally be open to first claim membership only, including all past members and to such others as may be elected by the Committee.

    Applications for membership from those already a member of another cycling club will be considered by the Committee at its discretion with the provision that members shall not compete in the same branch of cycle sport for more than one club.

    Members with twenty or more years membership may be offered life membership by the Committee.

    Go-ride membership (under 16s who take part in Go-ride events) will be offered free membership of Essex Roads.

    All members, parents, coaches and volunteers are subject to the Rules & Regulations of the Club and those of the relevant bodies or organisations who are promoting, organising or overseeing any cycling event or activity entered by the member. For clarity: these Rules include: The Highway Code for England, Scotland and Wales, The Highway Code for Northern Ireland and similar government issued guidance or rules for Cyclists in other jurisdictions.

  4. The Officers of the Club shall be as follows, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting: President, whose term of office shall be three years, Chairman, Treasurer, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Club Racing Events Secretary, Club Runs Secretary, Club Coach, Welfare Officer, Publicity Secretary, Off Road Secretary, Club Funding and Development Officer, Awards Secretary and Webmaster.

    All officials shall be deemed to be acting in an honorary capacity only.

  5. The Committee of the Club shall consist of the above officials and three elected Committee members elected at the Annual General meeting. Five of the above will form a quorum. The President of the Club shall be ex-officio a member of the Committee and any sub-committee.

  6. Meetings of the Committee shall normally be held at monthly intervals and shall be arranged between the members of the Committee or convened by the General Secretary on giving seven clear days notice. The Committee shall have powers to co-opt members to fill vacancies pending the next Annual General Meeting. A separate coaching group sub-committee, comprising of the current active/qualified coaches, having no separate formal rules will plan and deliver the club’s coached activities, subject to the agreement by members of the main committee on such matters as funding, dates, facilities etc. A report on activities will be submitted at the main committee’s meetings.

  7. Reports of the Club’s activities shall be submitted to the General Secretary for submission to the Committee.

    Any proposal involving:
    (a) the expenditure or commitment of Club funds in excess of fifty pounds;
    (b) the award or distribution or custody of the Club’s trophies or standard plaques or other awards; the confirmation of new Club records shall require the approval of the Committee before any action may be taken on the proposal.

    No money shall be paid out of any debts incurred by any officer on behalf of the Club without the Treasurer’s sanction.

  8. Intending members of the Club must apply using the Club’s standard form of application for membership and then may be elected by the Committee at the next Committee meeting. Subscriptions must be paid on submission of the application to the Membership Secretary and refunded in the case of non-election by the Committee. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application, regardless of sex, age disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis. Notice to be sent to each elected member with a copy of these Rules. The Committee shall be empowered to suspend or to expel from membership any member acting, in their opinion, to the detriment of the Club. Each member will assist at one Club event in a two-year period.

  9. Annual subscriptions for three groups (under 18 years of age, over 18 years of age and family membership) shall be as appropriate and set at the Annual General Meeting. Go-ride membership (under 16’s who take part in Go-ride events) will be offered free membership of Essex Roads.

    The subscription for ‘Family’ membership for all members of the same household shall be set by the Committee.

    Subscriptions are due on the 1st of January, for the subsequent year ending on the 31st December provided that in the event of a member joining after the 31st August in any year his/her subscription shall also cover the following year.

    Non-payment of subscriptions or entry fees will not necessarily result in the cessation of membership but will be a question in each case for decision and at the discretion of the Committee.

    Any member in arrears of subscriptions shall not compete in any Open or Club event in the Club’s name.

  10. The General Secretary, Club Racing Events Secretary, Club Runs Secretary and the Membership Secretary shall co-operate in the distribution of news matters, with lists of Club runs, up-dating of website, racing events and other matters of interest to members.

  11. The control and making available of the Club’s Trophies and property owned by the Club shall be at the discretion of the Committee. Additional trophies may be made available by a decision of the Committee.

  12. An account in the name of the Club shall be kept at any bank or building society regulated under English Law as approved by the Committee.

    Cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman of the Committee or the General Secretary.

    The financial year of the Club shall end on 31st March.

  13. A General Meeting shall be held as the ‘Annual General Meeting’ during the last two weeks of November. The Secretary must send notification to all members no less than six weeks before the date.

    Accounts, certified by two Auditors elected by the members, must be submitted at the Annual General Meeting, and a copy of the Accounts Summary, with a report of the Committee, sent to the members
    with a notice convening such meeting and an Agenda at least ten days before the date fixed for such meeting.

    Items for the Agenda signed by the proposer and the member seconding any such proposal must be submitted to the General Secretary not less than four weeks before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting, provided that any matter not on the Agenda may be brought forward without notice if it does not involve any alteration to the Rules of the Club or any financial expenditure, subject to the consent of the Chairman and two thirds of the members present at such meeting.

  14. A General Meeting of the Club may be convened by the Committee whenever they think fit or must be convened by them within one month after receipt by the General Secretary of a requisition stating the objectives of the meeting and signed by twelve first claim members of the Club. At a General Meeting other than the Annual General Meeting no matter shall be brought forward other than that or those stated in the notice convening the meeting.

  15. At all General Meetings one third of the Club Membership or fifteen members entitled to vote (which ever is the less) shall form a quorum and at such meetings and of at meetings of the Committee theChairman shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.

  16. Propositions at all meetings, except where it is authorised in the rules of the Club, shall be carried by a simple majority vote on a show of hands.

  17. Members under the age of 14 years shall not be eligible to vote at General Meetings but representations on their behalf may be submitted by the General Secretary for consideration at a General Meeting.

    Members over 14 but under 18 years of age shall not be eligible to vote at Meetings until the Annual General Meeting following their election to membership, but may make representations in a manner similar to that above for Junior members under the age of 14 years.

  18. In the event of the Club disbanding or deciding (by resolution in a General Meeting, passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of the Members present and entitled to vote at such meeting) to no longer operate then all Club trophies, pecuniary and non-pecuniary assets shall be vested in Trustees elected at the Meeting and consisting of the Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer and three other members of the Club – four of whom shall be a quorum at meetings of the Trustees.

    The Trustees shall have the power at their discretion to dispose of the trophies and non-pecuniary assets to Members of the Club on payment of their current value, but any such trophies or nonpecuniary assets not disposed of within six months of the vesting thereof shall be donated on such terms and to such other cycling clubs or associations as the Trustees may decide is appropriate and for the furtherance of cycling only.

    The Trustees shall account to the Treasurer for all monies realised on the sale of such trophies and non-pecuniary assets and shall further report on the disposal of the trophies and non-pecuniary assets in detail to the next ensuing Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting specially convened for that purpose, when members present shall decide by resolution passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at such meetings, as to which national or regional cycling associations or registered charities which promote cycling the remaining monies shall be donated.

    All pecuniary assets remaining and held in accounts or in cash form by the Club will similarly be reported on in detail to the next ensuing Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting specially convened for that purpose, when members present shall decide by resolution passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at such meetings, as to which national or regional cycling associations or registered charities which promote cycling the remaining monies shall be donated.

  19. In the event of any questions arising, other than one affecting the constitution of the Club that is not dealt with in these Rules, the matter must be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.

  20. If the Club wishes to enter into a sponsorship deal then the following shall apply:

    a) the proposal shall be considered by the Club Committee and only recommended to the Club at a General Meeting if it feels it is appropriate,

    b) any sponsorship deal must be available to all Members of the Club equally.

    c) the club must incur the costs of the registration fee for entering into sponsorship.

  21. The Club is committed to Best Practice and the delivery of high quality cycling events and cycling activities. The Club will make all reasonable efforts to ensure Members are aware of safe cycling guidance. There may be occasions when our events and activities fall short of that which can be reasonably expected by our members. On these occasions the Committee would like to be informed as soon as possible. This can be done by following the processes set out in the Comments, Complaints, Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure document that will be available to read on the members section of the club website; or by application to the Secretary for a copy of the document.

  22. No alteration or addition to the Club Rules may be made except by resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting of the Members to whom notice of the proposal shall have been given at least ten days prior to the date fixed for the meeting and then only by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at such meeting.

  23. All former rules of the Club are hereby rescinded.

A list of current Committee members and their respective positions can be found here.

A list of current membership fees can be found on the Membership Pages.

In addition, the The Committee may offer Life Membership to those with 20 years or more of membership.

  1. The Club colours shall be red, blue and old gold on a white background.

  2. No member shall compete under the Club name or in the Club events or qualify for any award until such member shall have paid all subscriptions, entry fees and other such dues up to and including the current year.

  3. Rule 3 deleted.

  4. The date and time for pre-entry to a Club event will be 5.00 pm two days prior to the date of the event.

    All Club events shall be run under the rules and regulations of the appropriate governing national organisation.

    All entries should be emailed to the event organiser or if you do not have access to email, then by telephone. Event contact details will be published on the event calendar on the Club’s website. Onthe-day entry will be allowed if spaces are still available.

  5. The Event Organiser should pay entry fees to the Treasurer at no longer than monthly intervals.

  6. Club Trophies

    All members are eligible to be awarded the Clubman’s Trophy and the F.V. Banks trophy. A member must finish in any three Club events during the season to be eligible for any of the other Club trophies. All trophies are perpetual. It is the responsibility of each member to submit his or her times to qualify for each trophy. The Committee shall announce annually the points system for all trophies awarded on a points/places basis.

    Schoolboy/schoolgirl refers to members under 16 years old and Junior refers to members 16 or 17 years old.

  7. Handicap Awards

    Medals or plaques, at the Committee’s discretion, will be awarded to denote first, second or third handicap winner providing there are eight or more riders starting in the event. If there are under eight but not less than four starting, only first and second handicap medals or plaques will be awarded. If less than four riders start, only a first handicap medal or plaque will be awarded.

  8. Fastest Time Awards

    In all Club handicap events, a fastest time award will be given, unless the winner also gains a handicap award, in which case the handicap medal or plaque will be engraved to show both awards.

    An entrance fee set at the Annual General Meeting shall be payable by a member for each Club handicap event entered. Fees for private time trials shall also be set at the Annual General Meeting.

  9. Club Records

    Record Certificates or plaques at the Committee’s discretion will be awarded to: any first claim member beating any existing Club record; Each member of a successful team consisting of three first claim members beating any existing Club record. Club records will be kept at all distances run under C.T.T. and B.C.F. rules. Club records will include a veterans’ record based on VTTA plus times (based on ages) – for Men, Women Solos at all distances. Claims for Club records must be made to the Chairman within three months together with a copy of the result sheet or a signed statement from the timekeeper.

  10. Timekeeper

    In the case of Club events, the time-keeper as required shall be selected for each event by the Club Events/Time Trial Secretary.

  11. Handicapping

    Handicap allowance shall be based on best times, at the distance of the event, in current and last three years.

  12. Club Event Programme

    The programme of Club events for the following year shall be determined by the Committee, not later than October in the current year Open events to be run by the Club in the following year will likewise be arranged in August of the current year.

  13. A season long series of 21 evening time trial events will be run and awarded by points based on the rider’s finishing positions. A rider’s position for the series will be on their best 14 scores.

    Entry fees will be set at the Annual General Meeting with awards for first, second and third place for each of the following categories – Scratch, VTTA, Ladies and Juniors.

i. The Club Championship shall be counted on the best average of average speeds of the season in any approved event at 25, 50 and 100 miles. It carries with it the Club Championship Shield.

ii. The Club Best All Rounder Championship shall be awarded to the member returning the best average of average speeds during the season in any approved events at 10, 25, 30, 50 and 100 miles. It carries with it the Wilson B.A.R. trophy.

iii. The E.G. Bates Cup shall be awarded for the best average handicap speed from three of any of the Club, open or association 25 mile events nominated by the Committee during the season.

iv. The Club Handicap Championship shall be awarded on a points/handicap placing basis as announced by the Committee for events ridden in Club, Open or Association events nominated by the Committee at 10, 25, 30 and 50 miles. It carries with it the New Era
Championship Shield.

v. The Veterans Tankard shall be awarded to the Veteran member returning the best average of average speeds during the season in any approved 25, 50 and 100 mile events, subject to Veteran Time Trial Association age adjustments.

vi. The Munson Memorial Trophy shall be awarded for the fastest 10 miles ridden during the season in any approved event.

vii. The Wilshaw Memorial Trophy shall be awarded for the fastest 25 miles ridden during the season in any approved event.

viii. The Dad Harvie Memorial Trophy shall be awarded for the fastest 50 miles ridden during the season in any approved event.

ix. The Dunlop Challenge Cup is awarded for the fastest 100 miles ridden during the season in any approved event.

x. The Schuler Cup is awarded for the greatest distance ridden in any 12 hours approved event during the season.

xi. The Emslie Memorial Cup is awarded for the greatest distance ridden in the Club 12 hours event.

xii. The Harvie Cup is awarded for the greatest distance ridden in any 24 hours approved event during the season.

Ladies Time Trial Trophies

xiii. The Ladies Championship shall be awarded to the Lady member returning the best average of average speeds of the season in any approved event at 10, 25 and 50 miles. It carries with it the Senior Ladies Championship Shield.

xiv. The Ladies 10 Mile Trophy shall be awarded for the fastest 10 miles ridden by a Lady member during the season in any approved event.

Junior Time Trial Trophies

xv. The Junior Championship shall be awarded to the Junior member returning the best average of average speeds of the season at 2 x 10 miles and 2 x 25 miles. It carries with it the E Colsell Memorial Trophy.

xvi. The Junior Ladies Championship shall be awarded to the Junior Lady member returning the best average of average speed speeds during the season in any approved events at 2 x 10 miles and 2 x 25 miles.

xvii. The New Era Cup shall be awarded for the fastest 25 miles ridden by a Junior member during the season in any approved event.

xviii. The E.J. Grimes New Era Cup shall be awarded for the fastest 50 miles ridden by a Junior member during the season in any approved event.

Schoolboy and Schoolgirl Time Trial Trophies

xix. The Schoolboy Championship shall be awarded to the Schoolboy member returning the best average of average speeds of the season in any approved event at 2 x 10 miles and 1 x 25 miles. It carries with it the Schoolboy Championship shield.

xx. The Schoolgirl Championship shall be awarded to the Schoolgirl member returning the best average of average speeds during the season in any approved event at two 10 miles and 1 x 25 miles. It carries with it the Schoolgirl Championship Shield.

xxi. The Schoolboy Best All Rounder Trophy shall be awarded to the schoolboy retuning the best average of average speeds during the season in any approved events at 10, 25 and 30 miles.

xxii. The Dickinson Trophy shall be awarded to the Schoolboy member for the fastest ten miles ridden during the season in any approved event.

xxiii. The Munson Trophy shall be awarded to the Schoolboy member returning the best average of average speeds during the season in any one 10 mile and one 25 mile approved event.

xxiv. The Schoolgirls Fastest 10 Cup shall be awarded to the schoolgirl member for the fastest 10 miles ridden during the season in any approved event.

Road Race Trophies

xxv. The Challenge Vanquers, trophy will be awarded to the Club Senior Road Race Champion counted on the most British Cycling points awarded during the season.

xxvi. The Cair Trophy shall be awarded to the Club Junior Road Race Champion. Conditions as for Seniors.

xxvii. A Trophy will be awarded to the Schoolboy Road Race Champion. Conditions as for Seniors.

Cyclo Cross Trophies

xxviii. The Cyclo-Cross Trophy shall be awarded to the senior member returning the best performance during the season counted on a points/placing basis in approved Cyclo-cross events.

xxix. A Trophy will be awarded to the male or lady member, Senior or Junior, returning the best performance in his/her category during the season counted on a points/placing basis in approved Cyclo-Cross events.

xxx. The Schoolboy’s Cyclo-Cross Championship Cup will be awarded to the Schoolboy member returning the best performance during the season counted on a points/ placing basis in approved Cyclo-cross events.

xxxi. The Schoolgirl’s Cyclo-Cross Championship Cup shall be awarded to the Schoolgirl member returning the best performance during the season counted on a points/placing basis in approved Cyclo-cross events.

Boxing Day ‘10’ Trophies

xxxii. The Ar Cronometro Trophy is awarded to the fastest rider in the Boxing Day 10 mile event.

xxxiii. The Dukes Head Men’s Trophy is awarded to the fastest Man on handicap in the Boxing Day 10 mile event.

xxxiv. The Dukes Head Ladies’ Trophy is awarded to the fastest Lady on handicap in the Boxing Day 10 mile event.

Other Trophies

xxxv. The Duckett Trophy is awarded to the rider amassing most points in a season long series of evening events. Points to be awarded on scratch times only. 50 points for first down to 1 point fiftieth. There will be an evening series award for veterans based on VTTA plus times (based on ages) – for Men, Women. The John Bull Cup is awarded to the fastest team, in the annual inter-Club 25 miles event, with a club as decided in advance by the committee. Aggregate times of the fastest three riders from each club to count as team.

xxxvi. The F.V.Banks Memorial Trophy is awarded annually to the member who, in the opinion of the Committee, has done most to promote the Club’s social activities.

xxxvii. The Clubman’s Trophy will be awarded annually to the member who, in the opinion of the Committee, has done most to promote the Club’s cycling interests.

xxxviii. A plaque or medal will be awarded with each of the Trophies referred to in these Rules, subject to the exercise of the Committee’s discretion at the end of the season and having regard to the financial standing of the Club at the time.

The Club is committed to Best Practise and the delivery of high quality cycling events and cycling activities. The Club will make all reasonable efforts to ensure Members are aware of safe cycling guidance. There may be occasions when our events and activities fall short of that which can be reasonably expected by our members. On these occasions, the Committee would like to be informed as soon as possible. This can be done by following the processes set out in the Comments, Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure document. This document will be made available to read on the members section of the Club website, or by application to the Secretary for a copy of the document. The document will read as follows: –

This document tells you what you should do if you wish to comment or have a complaint about the behaviour of a member of the Club or the Club activities and events. This procedure applies to members, volunteers or committee members.

Comments and Concerns

If a member or parent of a member (if the member is under 18 years of age) have any comments or concerns about any aspects of the club activities, events or conduct of other members they should speak, write or email the President or Secretary or any Committee member they feel comfortable contacting.

For clarity; comments and concerns are welcomed from all members including those members under the age of 18 years. Positive comments are also encouraged.

Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure

There is often a fine line between a concern and a complaint. The Club encourage members and parents of members (if the member is under 18 years of age) to raise a complaint if they are in any doubt about the difference between a complaint and a concern; particularly where the concern is about Cycling Safety and always when the subject is a threat of violence; or concerns the safety and safeguarding of children under the age of 18 years and vulnerable adults.

Any complaint will be taken seriously.

For clarity; complaints are welcomed from members under 18 years of age; however, to proceed with the process a parent or guardian will informed of the complaint and invited to be involved in the process.

The Process

All members, parents, coaches and volunteers are subject to the Rules & Regulations of the Club and those of the relevant governing bodies or organisations who are promoting, organising or overseeing any cycling event or activity.

For clarity: these Rules include: The Highway Code for England, Scotland and Wales, the Highway Code for Northern Ireland and similar government issued guidance or rules for Cyclists in other jurisdictions.

A set of Club Rules is available on the Members section of the Club website and by application to the Club Secretary

Any member, parent/guardian (if the member is under the age of 18 years or a vulnerable adult) of the Club may invoke this procedure.

Another Club may also give notice to the Club of issues that may result in this procedure being invoked.

The process is invoked as follows:

When invoking the process please try to be as specific as possible and give as much detail as possible. You will need to tell the Club President, Secretary or any other Committee member you feel comfortable contacting, the details by Telephone; Letter or Email. You will need to confirm the details in writing.

  • Your name
  • The name of the event or activity involved
  • The name of the person about whom you are complaining
  • The date that the incident or behaviour occurred that has resulted in your complaint
  • The details of what occurred

Upon this process being invoked the Committee will form a three-person panel that will be responsible for:

  • Gathering the necessary information about the issue raised.
  • Planning and communicating a hearing date.
  • Considering a member’s age or vulnerability and will ensure a parent or guardian is present.
  • Hearing the evidence from each party in an even-handed manner.
  • Giving due deliberation and communicate their findings and recommendations to the person who invoked the process, the parent or guardian, or any other Club or individual involved, the committee and any other body.

If the person invoking the process objects to the panel’s judgement, the matter can be appealed to the Club’s committee.

In all the following situations there will be an automatic panel if the club committee become aware of

  • Any member requiring the attendance of Emergency Medical Services while participating in a Club Event or Activity.
  • If any person is alleged to have bullied or attacked any other person during Club events and activities, whilst representing the Club at other cycling event or when the person bullied or attacked is a committee member, volunteer or officer of the club. Bullying includes harassment by email and social media
  • If any person is reported to be damaging Club property.
  • In extreme situations a person may be temporarily suspended from attending or participating in any club events or activities prior to a panel where those situations include, but are not limited to:
    • Abuse, either racial or sexual.
    • Assault or threat of assault on any Club official or representative.
    • Any situation resulting in Police attendance.

In such cases the disciplinary hearing will be convened as quickly as possible and their temporary suspension will be considered in the panel’s findings.

Whilst this document has endeavoured to address most of the issues that the Club might face, it is impossible to cover them all but the club will put the welfare of the members first and use common sense to determine the best course of action.