Sunday snapshot

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Most of Red were on the missing list today, numbers reduced by a bout of Covid and a hard couple of days fitting in other rides. Paul and Ian did fly the flag though, and are duly included.

Talking of hard rides, my ride with White distinctly disadvantaged their average speed today, but I’m sure they felt it was a small price to pay for riding in such exalted company.

Black lost Karen today, but Blacks loss was Blue’s gain as she ended up joining them on their ride to the Polo club. Any fluctuation in either group’s average speed this week is purely coincidental.

Question of the day is did the old grey mares in Chestnut turn to the right too early and end up on the wrong island by mistake, or did Yellow crack the whip just a little too hard on their ride today and the political shift was deliberate?

We’ll never know I guess, what with the “what happens in Osea stays in Mersea” mantra in place.

Tune in next week to see if the grupetto turns into an echelon.



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